Sunday, June 29, 2014

Re-Engineer is Back!

It has been since 2007 that I last posted a blog about renewable energy in a developing context. At that time the focus was mainly about the potential of biofuels in the Pacific. After having developed into the "coconut oil biofuel man" of Fiji, I have been continuing working on similar subjects, but in different capacities. First in The Netherlands during 2008-2011 on financing of promotion of Renewable Energy programmes around the developing world. After that, I moved to a position in Mozambique where I have been working on implementation in solar, wind and hydro power.

After a few years in the field, I think it is time to start blogging again, with the same investigative spirit as before, providing not only answers but also posing questions while at work on how to improve the access to energy for the more marginal areas of the world.

Solar PV module for mobile phone battery charging
Solar PV module for mobile phone battery charging in Manica Province, Mozambique

Questions that I would like to deal with here are: What are effective strategies for rural electrifcation in Africa? How is renewable energy in the developing world linked to climate change? Which technologies are appropriate for rural electrification? What are typical pitfalls of energy access programmes? This blog will aim at addressing these questions with regular intervals.


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